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Considering Selling Your Home? This Is What You Should Be Doing To Boost Up Your Price Value


If you’re a home owner and are considering selling your property within the next few months, here are a few simple suggestions to help boost the value of your home.

Remove Wallpaper

Wallpaper is usually to personal taste, and may not appeal to a potential buyer. Removing wallpaper and painting the room to a neutral color might be the best way to appeal to buyers. You can turn this into a DIY project for cheap by purchasing a scoring tool, a spray bottle, and a putty knife. Simple is better when selling your home. Home buyers can always customize paint colors later.

Make Minor Repairs 

Now is the time to make minor repairs in your home. Spackle up holes in the walls, repair any loose tiles, and make sure all your appliances have been inspected and are running properly. These are costly repairs your potential buyer can avoid, and can potentially bump up your home value.

A Fresh Coat Of Paint Goes A Long Way 

Similar to wallpaper, paint color is usually to personal taste. Green paint in the kitchen might seem appealing to you, but it may scare away potential home buyers. Painting your walls neutral colors such as tan, light grey, or off-white is usually a safe bet when selling your home.

Remove Clutter From Cabinets and Shelves 

Minimalism is ideal when selling your home. Clean spaces appeal to home buyers, so it is best to remove any clutter from your cabinets and shelves. Go the extra mile and do some spring cleaning early to make your move simpler for you, and appeal to potential buyers. If you clean your home room by room over an extended period of time, it won’t seem to overwhelming.

Clean Your Carpets and Floors

Clean carpets and floors are always a smart suggestion when considering selling your home. Having your carpets professionally cleaned can remove any obvious stains, and stretching your carpets can enhance its appeal to a potential buyer. By cleaning your flooring and grout your can potentially boost up your property value.

When you are ready to sell your home, contact one of our advisers to help your out with your future property.


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