How To Qualify For An FHA Loan
Borrowers who cannot qualify for a conventional mortgage are often able to obtain an FHA loan. Howe…
Home Buying Power Remains In Motion Depsite Rising Mortgage Rates
The real estate market does not occupy a space outside the laws of physics. As Sir Isaac Newton so …
Why Is It Hard To Get A Mortgage If Self Employed?
It’s no secret that mortgage lending institutions look favorably on steady paychecks and posi…
Real Estate Crowdfunding Investment Is Trending
Although the real estate market is currently booming, the last housing bubble burst remains relativ…
U.S. Wage Increases Could Help Home Buyers
The struggle to achieve the American homeownership dream often feels like it happens in a vacuum. E…
Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You?
Imagine the bank depositing monthly premiums into your account instead of you writing a mortgage ch…
4 Things You Should Know About Conventional Mortgage Rates
Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran propert…
4 Things You Should Know About Conventional Mortgage Rates
Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran propert…
Top Uses Of A HELOC
Homeowners who have equity built up in their homes can tap into that equity using a home equity lin…
Seller-Paid Closing Costs In A Seller’s Market? Yes, It’s Still Possible
For first-time home buyers, closing costs are a major hurdle for home ownership. Coming up with a d…