Understanding Your Debt To Income Ratio
When you are filling out a mortgage application, the lender will be asking you for specific financi…
What You Need To Know About Your Home Appraisal And Your Mortgage
When buying a home, there are certain steps a buyer should go through before the home sale is offic…
Important Reasons A Renter Should Not Pay Your Mortgage Payment
When it comes to a property that’s been financed with a mortgage, homeowners can experience t…
Selling Your Home FHA? Learn These Tips To Ensure A Smooth Closing
Before an owner can market a property to buyers that want to use a FHA loan, he will want to famili…
Ensuring A Stress-Less Closing
Buying a home is an exciting and exhilarating time. Between the time your offer is accepted, and wh…
Don’t Let a Renter Assume Your Mortgage Payment as a Landlord
When it comes to a property that’s been financed with a mortgage, homeowners can experience t…
Financing Your Solar Roof
Going solar can make life sunnier for some homeowners. In addition to reducing energy dependence by…
Understanding the Basic Interest Rates Difference Between Fixed and Variable
Home loans are available in an assortment of lending packages, but the big difference that consumer…
5 Ways Millennial Buyers Can Snag Their Dream Home In This Sellers Market
According to the 2017 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends Report, Millennials bought 34% of t…
The Home-Buying Closing Process in a Nutshell
The closing process for a home purchase is an exciting time. The home is finished, the purchase is …
Pros and Cons of Adjustable Rate Mortgages
When you are in the market for a new home, you may be faced with numerous options for financing you…
Should You Pay Discount Points When You Get Your Mortgage?
One of the challenges you will face when deciding how much money to put down on your new home is wh…
Look Beyond The Interest Rate: What Else Matters When Choosing A Mortgage Lender?
Most consumers securing a mortgage plan to remain in that loan for 30 years. During that time, the …
How The 2018 Tax Changes Can Affect Your Mortgage
When the chatter was at its peak on the 2018 tax law changes being proposed, one of the big areas o…