The Pros and Cons of a Large Down Payment When Buying a Home
If you are in the market for a new home, one of the considerations you will need to make is how muc…
Make 2018 the Year You Escape the ‘Rental Trap’ by Buying Your Own Home
Are you growing tired of paying rent each month and not building your net worth? Being stuck in the…
Graduating With Student Loan Debt and Worried About Your Mortgage Prospects? You’re Not Alone
Did you recently graduate from college or university? If so, you may still be dealing with a financ…
Four Pieces of Mortgage ‘Advice’ That You Should Take With the Proverbial Grain of Salt
Are you in the market for a new home? If you have been talking to friends and family or researching…
3 Ways That a Reverse Mortgage Can Transform Your Retirement
Are you a retired individual looking for ways to increase your financial security? If so, you may h…
Single and Considering a New Home? Here’s What You’ll Need to Know About Your Mortgage
Have you decided that it is time to move on from renting? If you are single and living alone, you m…
Taking Out a Mortgage for the First Time? Learn Why a Condo Might Be a Great First Home
Are you starting to tire of paying your monthly rent to someone and never building any equity? Rent…
Considering a New Home Next Year? Start Now and Get a Jump on Improving Your Credit Score
In the market for a new home in 2018? With the new year just a few short weeks away, that leaves yo…
Mortgage 101: How Interest-Only Mortgages Work and Why They’re A Good Solution for Some Buyers
Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced real estate investor, if you are plan…
62 or Older? 3 Reasons Why a Reverse Mortgage Might Be the Perfect Financial Solution for You
Are you and your spouse starting to move into your retirement years? If so, you already know that y…
Stuck in a Bidding War? 3 Ways to Win Without Busting Through Your Mortgage Approval Amount
Are you making an offer on a new home in a hot housing market? If so, one possibility is that you a…
Man Vs. Machine: Why Using a Human Mortgage Professional Is Better Than Trusting an App
Are you currently house-hunting or plan to be in the near future? If you plan on using mortgage fin…
Buying a New Home? Four Key Questions to Ask Your Mortgage Advisor
Are you in the market for a new home? If you are planning on borrowing some or most of the homeR…
Current Servicemember or Veteran? 4 Reasons Why a VA Home Loan Is an Excellent Choice
Are you current or former member of the US military service who is looking to buy a new home? If so…
Understanding ‘Bridge’ Financing: How to Buy a New Home Before You Sell Your Current One
One of the biggest challenges a homeowner can face when looking to upgrade or move is trying to sel…
How to Use a Mortgage to Buy a Home After Going Through a Bankruptcy
While it is sometimes the best option to get your finances repaired, the bankruptcy and following d…