Pay Your Mortgage Off Faster With These Money-Smart Strategies
As with any loan or line of credit, there are benefits to getting your mortgage paid down. You̵…
Did You Know: Your Choice of Community Will Impact Your Mortgage – Here’s How
If you are in the market for a new home, you’ve probably begun the process of choosing the ne…
It’s Pre-approval Time: How to Get Your Finances in Order for Your Mortgage Approval
Buying a new home is one of the most exciting experiences a person or family can have. Of course, b…
How Much Is the Right Amount to Commit to Your Down Payment? Let’s Take a Look
Are you thinking about buying a new house or apartment? If you are going to take out mortgage finan…
Speed up Your Mortgage Closing Process With This Handy Four-step Guide
Are you in the market for a new house or apartment? If you are financing the purchase by taking out…
Worried About Interest Rates Rising? Here’s How You Can Prepare for an Upward Trend
Whether you are just starting to shop for a new home or you’ve been paying off your mortgage …
You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Fees and Costs That Come Along With a Mortgage?
Have you been considering a mortgage for your next home purchase? As with any loan or financial pro…
Understanding the Differences Between ‘Prequalified’ And ‘Preapproved’ For a Mortgage
Are you in the market for a new home? If you are going to rely on mortgage financing to cover some …
4 Smart Money Habits That Will Help You Save up a Mortgage Down Payment Faster
Are you ready for home ownership? The prospect of owning your own house or apartment is an exciting…
Closing Costs 101: Expert Tips for Keeping Your Costs Down When Finalizing Your Mortgage
Are you thinking about buying a new home? If you are going to make use of mortgage financing, you m…
First-time Buyers: Boost Your Chances of Mortgage Pre-approval With These 4 Tips
Buying a home for the first time? If you plan on taking out a mortgage, you will likely want to kno…
Graduating From College? 3 Things You Need to Know About Mortgages and Student Loans
Are you thinking about buying a new home using a mortgage loan? If you’ve just graduated from…
Is It Possible to Get a Mortgage With Less-than-Perfect Credit? Yes – and Here’s How
Are you thinking about buying a new house? Whether you’re a first-time or experienced buyer, …
You Ask, We Answer: What Kind of Fees Are Involved When I Get a Reverse Mortgage?
If you are approaching your golden years and seeking a bit of financial flexibility, you might want…
The Quick and Easy Guide to Determining How Big of a Mortgage Your Family Can Afford
Are you shopping around for a new house or apartment? One of the key considerations you will need t…
3 Reasons to Hit the Accelerator on Your Mortgage Payments – If You Can Afford It
Does the thought of repaying your mortgage for the next twenty-plus years leave you feeling a littl…