Is It Possible To Have A Hurricane-Proof Home?
The recent total devastation of the Bahamas by hurricane Dorian reinforced the need for hurricane-p…
New Home Prices Going Down Making Them More Affordable
Residential real estate developers in America are responding to a national slowdown in new home con…
4 Simple Tips For Staying Organized With Kids
It can be challenging to be organized when you have children. But this is only because, as a devote…
How Long Should I Spend Looking For a New Home?
Whether you’ve been looking for a home for a long time now, or you’re just about to get…
Smooth Move: Do These Six Things When Transitioning Towns
It can be physically and emotionally challenging when moving from one town to another. There are lo…
Using Smart Home Technology To Help Sell It
Smart home technology is useful for many reasons. It improves security, helps improve energy-effici…
6 Smart Ways Hardware Can Upgrade Your New Home
Decorating and putting the finishing touches on your new home is definitely one of the most fun par…
Four Key Injury Prevention Tips On Moving Day
It’s more likely that someone will incur an injury on moving day than on an ordinary day. The…
Young Home Buyers Are A Growing Trend
A new group of young American adults is emerging as home buyers. These are the young adults who wer…
Are Tiny Homes Here To Stay?
The average size of an American home has been increasing since the 1970s. The American Enterprise I…
Join Or Create A Real Estate Investors’ Pool For Fun And Profit
Many baby boomers are reaching retirement age. If they set up their financial planning well, while …
Should You Relocate A House To Improve Its Value?
What can be done with a house that is just perfect but it is in a bad neighborhood or a dangerous s…
Tips On Making Friends In Your New Neighborhood
It’s often harder to make friends as an adult than it is when you’re a child. It’…
How To Maximize The Resale Value Of Your Home
There are a few things to consider, when selling a home, that will help you maximize your potential…
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Covenants, Codes and Restrictions?
There is a joke about gated communities that says the walls are not just there to keep the people o…